Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When Life Intervenes

So, this week is proving to be a challenge.

Not only did I double book myself for volunteering, but I also have house guests coming down that I wasn't expecting — after I already tore up the spare bedroom.

As I frantically painted a new table for the room, I realized that something was all over the new bedspread. I was supposed to leave for ESL tutoring, but by then, things were just a bit nuts.

So, I didn't go. And I didn't e-mail ahead of time. Usually, I am more responsible, but sometimes life just gets in the way. I'm wondering, does this happen to anyone else?

So this morning, I sent out an e-mail to the teacher to tell him I would be back next week. I will still be volunteering tonight, at a church-run shelter in Bloomfield Hills. Basically, the church works with South Oakland Shelter, an organization that helps provide housing, meals and transportation by teaming up with churches and area shelters. 

I think I will be helping out with dinner and other tasks, and getting a feel for what the volunteers do. I was told that there are more than two hundred volunteers helping this church.  

I'm a bit nervous to go, but excited to try something new.

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